1. Log in to Facebook
Go to Facebook and log in to your account.
2. Create a Page
- Click on your profile picture (top right).
- Select “Create”, then choose “Page”.
- Enter your Page name, Category, and a Description.
3. Add Images
- Profile Picture: Click “Add profile picture” and upload a square image (e.g., logo or personal photo). Recommended size: 170×170 pixels.
- Cover Photo: Click “Add cover photo” and upload a banner image. Recommended size: 820×312 pixels.
4. Customize Your Page
- Click “Edit Page Info” to add contact details, website, and location.
- Click “Create username” for an easy-to-share URL (e.g., facebook.com/yourbusiness).
5. Publish Posts with Images
- Go to the “Posts” section.
- Click “Photo/Video” to upload an image.
- Add a caption, then click “Post”.
6. Invite People to Like Your Page
- Click “Invite Friends” to grow your audience.